Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Try again?

Am I completely retarded that I agreed to try things again?

We talked about what needed to change, and it seems he doesn't *only* want me for sexy times.
And although I'm not a miserable crybaby...well not as often as I was, I am completely weary. I'm still freaking out about what he's up to, why he doesn't text, if he is with one of the ugly german yeah, not exactly back to normal.

It is nice that he is around again though...
I lost my lola on the weekend. This has not been a good year.


  1. I know exactly how you feel im in the middle of a divorce my soon to be ex husband wont admit hes cheated and deep down i know he has. I feek the same way i know its over but cannot accept it and when he doesnt text my mind is going crazy whos he with. Just hang in there!!!! I still break down and cry every day seems like...just hold on to your faith

  2. Thank you so much,

    I can't even imagine the hardship you must be going through! But I really admire your strength and hope.

    It's always nice to know we're not alone out there :)
